RFID Lab Finland ry > In English
RFIDLab Finland
RFIDLab Finland is a neutral non-profit association, whose mission is to improve the operational efficiency of companies with identification technology. We help companies with the business potential of RFID and NFC technologies, create networks, and drive development initiatives.
We serve the potential end users of RFID technology for example in manufacturing, whole sales, retail, logistics, and service provider sector who want to improve their business processes or create new businesses.
RFIDLab Finland is owned by its member companies (FI) and organizations including all the major players in the RFID and NFC industries that have operations in Finland and companies that utilize identification technology in their business.

About RFIDLab Finland
- Non-profit association
- Provides vendor agnostic RFID and NFC information
- Networking
- Development initiatives
- Operates a RFID show room
- Provides RFID seminars, training, and consulting